Touring the Ice Hotel Lapland in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden

The Ice Hotel Lapland is probably one of the coolest cold weather excursions you can take in Northern Jukkasjärvi, Sweden. Built completely from snow and ice from the nearby Torne River, this hotel is created from scratch every year. Tour the inside to see gorgeous frozen hotel rooms and swing by the IceBar for a drink!

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Where to Stay in Taos, New Mexico: A Night in an Earthship Home

Earthship homes may sound like something that was designed for outer space but these technological achievements are actually gorgeous houses that are designed to function completely off the grid. Built from recycled materials and with water, heat, electricity and cooling that is self-sustaining, the community of Earthships in Taos, New Mexico is an amazing stop on a road trip and an even better place to stay overnight,.

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The Very Large Array: the Perfect New Mexico Road Trip Stop

There are a lot of awesome space-related destinations to see while visiting New Mexico, but the coolest is definitely the Very Large Array. This collection of radio antenna (often confused for telescopes) are massive feats of technology and a self-guided walking tour will take you right up to the base of one of them. Make a stop at the VLA the next time you are driving through New Mexico!

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